Friday, December 7, 2012

Raw dog food, Dog boarding, Bowmanville!!

Please go to for all your CountryLane Pet Resort bowmanville questions! include boarding page and contacts page. We offer quality dog boarding for all breeds , sizes and personalities. Come for a tour to see the outstanding clean facility, organization and amazing staff we have! Your dog will love staying with us!

RAW dog food bowmanville/ Oshawa/durham region /or /B.A.R.F  go to the RAW DOG FOOD and Orijen link - there you can research all the products we offer - Click on the PDF and give us a call to be sure we have what you want in stock .
We no longer offer the protein fusion blocks but do now offer convenient tube format! , to email Mike for questions about your specific questions or call 905-263-8539 to request or place your order.

This is our cat Ben enjoying raw chicken with bone.
We are located at 2722 Taunton Rd. E Bowmanville ON. , 905-263-8539, Selling RAW DOG FOOD ,and high quality dog boarding. go to for a price list of all items.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Obedience and Raw dog food, dog boarding in Bowmanville Ontario


CountryLane Pet Resort Bowmanville Ontario.

Mike Clay and Carmspack Badger





SOME references
Carmspack Nick 9 weeks old

Nick, our newest service puppy in training is almost 16 weeks here ( Sept. 21, 2012)
See the attached link to the blog about raising Nick.

If you want further reference to Mikes other work please look at this site:

AGILITY Field rental located at CountryLane Pet Resort  - call CINDY BELOW at Dogs on Campus for AGILITY - OBEDIENCE . 

Agility CLASSES: Offered through -

DOGS ON CAMPUS -owner and trainer Cindy Boht located in Oshawa Ontario Canada. The Campus phone # is  905-449-6017 EMAIL FOR REGISTRATION - OR go to their site and download the registration form and drop it off in their mail slot!

We sell Raw dog food , located at 2722 Taunton Rd. E Bowmanville, 905-263-8539 , CountryLane Pet Resort. go to,

Friday, July 23, 2010



Sign up by by calling 905-263-8539
Payment is required to hold your spot in class- we accept, cash, debit, visa, MasterCard - sorry no cheques. All classes are 160.00 + HST for 6 weeks. + ADDING HST IS A NEW COST FOR CLASSES - NOTE, PRICE CHANGE to actual class is still the SAME!!

Questions: email Paula at

Trick Training #1 - the basics
Come out an play with your dog. Tricks are fun to learn for everyone. Students will be taught the various methods used to teach dogs to perform tricks
Basic learning theory will be covered. 15 - 20 Tricks covered, including:
crawl, take a bow, shake a paw (both paws), targeting, back up, kisses, spin circles,
jump over arms and/or legs and many more.
At the end of 6 lessons, dogs may apply to qualify for their NTD - Novice Trick Dog Title
STARTING Sept.06 6:30-7:30pm - with Tricia Waples
160.00 + HST/ 6 weeks

Trick Training #2 - moving up
(Pre-requisite Trick training #1)
This session will cover more advanced tricks to challenge you and your pet.
The tricks will build upon basics learned. You will be shown how to teach 15 - 20 new tricks including:
pick up toys, disc basics, scratch your nose, say prayers, dog in a box, leg 8's, jumping with hoops, play dead,
At the end of 6 lessons, dogs may apply for their ITD - Intermediate Trick Dog
Starting Sept. 06, 7:30-8:30pm with Tricia Waples
160.00+ HST for 6 weeks

Trick Training #3 - let's go to the show
(pre-requisite- Trick training #2 moving up)
The advanced class will include healing/dancing to music. Each student will be encouraged to put together a short routine of tricks.
Tricks at this level include:
Hide & seek, find the toys, weave walking, back up through legs, pull a rope, sit pretty, bring a tissue, roll a ball, pick pocket and more
At the end of this class, dogs may apply for their ATD - Advanced Trick Dog and ETD - Expert Trick Dog titles
Starting Tentative OCT 11 time TBD - may be indoors at Dozen Roses farm - Tricia Waples 160.00 + HST for 6 weeks.

Obedience 101 – dogs ages 16 weeks and up
Just need to get some things under control? Jumping, walking on leash without pulling you down the street and coming to you when called? This class covers these common behaviors and what you need to do in order for your dog to become better behaved.
6 weeks/ indoors =$160.00 +HST
Saturday July 31 – 10am -11am FULL - now booking 11:30-12:30 – at DOZEN ROSES FARM – Mike Clay

**Dozen Roses Farm is located at 2460 7th concession Rd. Bownamville ON – The driveway is actually located on Lettner Rd. Turn down Lettner and the driveway is the first and only on the right. It is a long driveway. email paula for google map if required

Foundation to agility –dogs aged 16 weeks and up - pre-requisite – Puppy or regular obedience recommended
*Dogs and handlers will learn the basic exercises and behaviors to prepare for the sport of agility. This is a fun class that will have dogs and handlers begin working together as a motivated team. Some modified agility equipment will be introduced
6 weeks/ outdoors=$160.00 +HST
Next Set: Tuesday AUG 31– 6:15-7:15pm – field #2 – Tricia Waples

Intro to Agility (to obstacle performance & handling): - pre-requisite – Foundation to agility
*Dogs and handlers will be introduced to safe and accurate performance of the various agility obstacles running in straight lines with their dogs. This class builds upon the foundation work from the previous class. Short handling sequences will be introduced dog/handler teams must be able to perform all obstacles and perform basic agility behaviors to progress to the next level. (Proficient at targeting to hand and on the ground on the, low teeter, dog walk, a-frame. Jumps, table, tunnels from a distance of 1m, chute with short fabric, tire, correct weave poles entry, start line stay, front cross, short handling sequence of 6 obstacles with one change of side)
6 weeks/ outdoors=$160.00
Next Set: Tuesday AUG 31– 7:30-8:30pm – Field #1 – Tricia Waples
Intermediate Agility - pre requisite - Intro to agility -
Start Thursday SEPT 02, 6:15-7:15 -- Field #1 - Tricia Waples
160.00+ HST/6 weeks
Advanced agility Skills pre-requisite –Intermediate Agility or Pre-trial agility
This Class is for any dogs/handlers that want to work on courses/skill building or do problem solving on any equipment. Dogs must be proficient on all equipment and progressing toward 12 straight weave poles. Each class is structured per student requests and dog challenges. This class can be done in combination with the Pre-trial class.
6 weeks/ outdoors=$160.00 +HST
Thursday – SEPT 02 7:30pm – 8:30 pm --Field #1 – Tricia Waples
Competition Class Skills Pre –requisite – Advanced agility skills or Pre-trial agility
This class is for any dog/handler team that would like to build on individualized Master skills. Dogs must be on full height equipment and be doing 12 weave poles. This class can be done in combination with any Competition Agility classes or dogs that have the skills for competition but are not yet old enough to compete.
6 weeks/ outdoors=$160.00 +HST
WEDNESDAY SEPT 1, 7pm-8pm – Field #1 – Tricia Waples - TBD depending on numbers.